Intel Celeron M ULV (5Watt) processor
512M RAM
5" touch screen color SXGA (300 cd/qm).......SXGA라면..(1280*1024) 컥!!!!!!!!!!
30기가 하드...
The graphic card is an Intel Graphic Media Accelerator 900 up to 128 M
AC ’97 v2.1 sound card
Wifi IEEE 802,11 g (54 Mbit with two antennaes), Ethernet 10/100 Mbit, modem 56k Data/Fax, 2 USB 2.0 ports, a 3G card slot, 1 SD/MMC card slot and Bluetooth in option
The AHI also includes a 2MP camera, a GPS in option, games and a dock!
Everything runs under Windows XP Home SP2 and thus offers a large window of compatibility as for audio and video.
The autonomy is said to be around 6hrs...배터리가..6시간 내외!!! 헉!!!!
et its dimensions are 18.6 x 9.0 x 3.3 cm for .730g
As for the price, think of 499euros for the first model
and a full dock (incl. gps ,3g, a DVD player) will be yours for 899 euros. Available for Xmas this year.
클쓰 마쓰라......안타깝다;;;
아이디 : annabelly01
닉네임 : 비밀일기장
포인트 : 822148 점
레 벨 : 골드회원(레벨 : 5)
가입일 : 2005-12-15 13:38
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