

코닥, 저가형 디지털 카메라 시장 철수

미고자라드 | 05-24 12:57 | 조회수 : 1,343 | 추천 : 118


Kodak phasing out low-end digicams
Wednesday, 23 May 2007  17:35 GMT         < Previous         Next >

According to a report by CNET Kodak President Antonio Perez speaking at the JPMorgan Technology Conference revealed that the company "wasn't making much money" in the low-end digicam segment and has decided to pull out of it. In Addition Mr Perez also revealed that the company had developed its own five megapixel CMOS sensor which would make its way into a future Kodak digital camera. It's unclear where Mr Perez draws the 'low-end' line but we can't say we're that surprised at this news.

돈이 안돼서 철수한다고 하는군요.
5백만화소 CMOS도 만들었다고 합니다. -.-;

저가형 시장에서 철수한다는건 P시리즈 같은 하이엔드에 주력하겠다는 이야기일텐데..
사실 돈을 벌려면 DSLR시장에 뛰어드는게 더 나을건데요.

앞으로의 행보가 기대됩니다..

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