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가슴이 아프네요.. 잘되었으면 좋았을텐데.. 에고고 왜 저런짓을 했는지..
36000명의 지원자들과의 경쟁에서 이겨 이번 4월경에 러시아 소유즈 우주에
탑승할 한국의 1호 우주인 고산군이 러시아 항공국 보안규칙을 어겨
그 자격을 박탈당했다고 한다.
고산군의 자격박탈이유는 러시아의 우주센터에서 중요한 훈련용 물품을
빼돌린 혐의라고 한다.
대신 2등으로 뽑혔던 현재 박사과정을 마치고 있는 이소연양에게 자격이
South Korea clips astronaut's wings after rule-break Sun Mar 9, 11:54 PM ET
SEOUL (Reuters) - The man intended to be the first South Korean in space has been grounded for violating security protocol and will be replaced by a female biotechnology engineer, the science ministry said on Monday.
Ko San, 31, was dropped from the top pick for the April 2008 flight on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft and is now the backup for the mission after he removed sensitive training material from a Russian centre, the ministry said.
"The Russians emphasized the importance of abiding by the rules, as even small mistakes can bring about grave consequences in space," an official told a news conference, adding Ko appeared to have made innocent mistakes.
Ko, a technology researcher and a bronze medal winner in a 2004 national amateur boxing contest, is being replaced by Yi So-yeon, 29, who is finishing her doctorate.
Yi will serve as a payload specialist with two Russian cosmonauts for a seven or eight day mission to the International Space Station, the ministry said.
The two were selected from a list of more than 36,000 candidates.
(Reporting by Jon Herskovitz and Lee Jiyeon; Editing by Keiron Henderson and Alex Richardson)
아이디 : l2028k
닉네임 : 곰돌이앤구해
포인트 : 639796 점
레 벨 : 골드회원(레벨 : 5)
가입일 : 2006-08-21 10:48
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