

Post-it을 쓰는 동시에 컴퓨터에서 관리가~

별자리물고기 | 05-06 13:40 | 조회수 : 662 | 추천 : 49

기술 자체는 새로울 것이 없지만, 필기 스캐너에 바로 포스트 잇을 붙이고,
포스트 잇에 작성한 내용은 다시 컴퓨터에 연동이 되도록 한 아이디어는 꽤
쓸만하지 않을까 싶네요~

실제 메모를 하다 보면, 항상 컴퓨터로만 하게 되는 게 아니고 포스트 잇도
여전히 사용하게 되잖아요? 그런데 이건 또 분실이 될 수도 있고, 컴퓨터로
관리가 되지 않는다는 단점이 있지 않습니까?

이런 부분을 보완할 수 있는 아이디어가 아닐까 생각됩니다~ ^^

We've seen countless attempts to re-invent the Post-It note, but no one's ever really managed to improve on the basic design -- which might be why MIT's "Quickies" concept doesn't even try. The electronic note system is instead based around a digital pen and special pad, which saves your notes as you jot them down on RFID-embedded Post-Its. Software on your PC then does some quick OCR and, according to the inventors, "uses its understanding of the user's intentions, content, and the context of the notes to provide the user with reminders, alerts, messages, and just-in-time information." Since the database can also store location information, sticking the note on a book or other object allows you to locate it later using the RFID tag, and you can even have notes SMS'd to their recipients. Pretty wild -- but we're more impressed someone finally found a good use for all those digital pens out there. Check a video of the system in action after the break.

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