

Sony α33, α55, α560 and α580 specs

anycall | 08-18 00:03 | 조회수 : 2,727 | 추천 : 4

Sony α33:
14MP sensor
ISO range of 100-12800
1080i video
15 AF points, some of them cross-point
7 fps
dual memory slots (not sure what type)

Sony α55:
16MP sensor
ISO range of 100-12800
1080i video
15 AF points, some of them cross-point
10 fps
dual memory slots (not sure what type)
built-in GPS

Sony α560:
14MP sensor
ISO range of 100-12800
1080i video
15 AF points, some of them cross-point
7 fps
dual memory slots (not sure what type)
swivel display

Sony α580:
16MP sensor
ISO range of 100-12800
1080i video
15 AF points, some of them cross-point
10 fps
dual memory slots (not sure what type)
built-in GPS
swivel display


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