E-M1 | Program Normal | 16.00mm | ISO-200 | F3.5 | 1/100s | 0.00 EV | Centre Weighted Average | Auto WB | 2018-09-26 10:47:26
Our friends over at Optyczne just shared these very first real world size comparison images between the new Panasonic S1R and the Sony A7III. The Panasonic is clearly bigger. At the same time the Panasonic looks much more solid too.
E-M1 | Program Normal | 24.00mm | ISO-200 | F3.2 | 1/100s | 0.00 EV | Centre Weighted Average | Auto WB | 2018-09-26 10:47:56
E-M1 | Program Normal | 18.00mm | ISO-200 | F3.5 | 1/100s | 0.00 EV | Centre Weighted Average | Auto WB | 2018-09-26 10:47:41
원문링크 :
아이디 : teese***
닉네임 : LIMONE51
포인트 : 264145 점
레 벨 : 최우수회원(레벨 : 6)
가입일 : 2015-05-13 21:42
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