뉴스슈터가 샤프사의 8K 마이크로포서드 카메라를 첫테스트한 웹사이트가 되었습니다.
그리고, 아래는 테스트 소감입니다.
The camera is certainly capable of producing nice, sharp images. Given the fact that the camera can currently only operate in an auto WB mode, I was surprised by how well it performed when it comes to color accuracy. We were shooting out on the Las Vegas strip where there are many different types of light sources, yet the camera did a very good job of maintaining a nicely balanced image.
For a camera that is only currently shooting in a REC.709 color space it wasn’t crushing the blacks and we didn’t see clipped highlights turning into ugly colors.
We did see some banding in the sky on a few shots where we shooting into the sun. The cameras 4:2:0 8-bit codec does struggle occasionally in certain situations.
아이디 : harlock
닉네임 : 하록선장
포인트 : 80469 점
레 벨 : 최우수회원(레벨 : 6)
가입일 : 2007-07-01 20:22
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