Recently Yongnuo launched the two new Sony 50mm f/1.8 FE (Full Frame) and E (APS-C) mount autofocus lenses. Now we heard they plan to launch three more autofocus lenses this year:
35mm f/1.8 E
35mm f/2.0 FE
24-70mm FE (no info on aperture yet)
All these lenses are expected to be extremely cheap (around $100 for the primes and maybe $200-$300 for the zoom). Love that!
35.8이... FE가 아니라 크롭이네요. 대체 FE 35.8엔 무슨 저주가... 35/2라도 잘 나오길 바래야겠네요.
아이디 : sparktan***
닉네임 : 넴갓무
포인트 : 89866 점
레 벨 : 최우수회원(레벨 : 6)
가입일 : 2015-05-12 20:01
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