

소니인터뷰왈: “우리는더긴망원E마운트렌즈를개발중이다”

신라면매운맛 | 10-21 00:46 | 조회수 : 1,996 | 추천 : 1

원문: www.sonyalpharumors.com/son...

Sony interview: “we are developing longer telephoto E-mount lenses”

The Polish site Optyczne posted the content of an interview with Sony. Here are some key highlights:


Optyczne가 소니와의인터뷰를게재했으며 요약하자면:

Rotating lCD screen on future E-mount cameras:
The A9 does not have the same A99II rotating LCD screen to keep size down. However, Sony said they “understand the needs of consumers and perhaps we will use another mechanism in the future.“
A9바디는 바디사이즈를줄이기위해 A99II바디의 rotating LCD screen이아니며 장래의바디에서는 또다른메카니즘을사용할수도있다.

Sony A9 touchscreen:
It would be possible to increase the touchscreen features on the a9 via firmware upgrade. But at the moment this is not a high priority.
A9바디는펌업을통해 터치스크린기능을증가시킬수있을것이다. 그러나그것은 우선순위가아니다.

Menu redesign:
Sony is listening to users feedback but for the moment you should not expect Sony to release a new menu design
소니는 메뉴리디자인에관해 유저들의피드백을듣고있지만 그러나당장 새로운메뉴디자인을발표하는것은기대하지말아야할듯하다.

Sony A-mount:
Sony promises to never stop the production of A-mount lenses. At the moment they think the current A-mount line up is well suited for photographers. While Sony’s E-mount lens line up need to be extended
소니는 A마운트렌즈생산을 중단하지않겠다고약속하고있다.

Sony medium format:
We are currently not planing to launch a medium format system camera
소니는 중형바디는아직런칭플랜이없다고말했다.

Future Sony E-mount lenses:
Sony said “After launching α9, customers expect longer telephoto lenses and we intend to develop our offer step by step. What is not so easy because the user expectations are very high.”
소니는 더긴망원E마운트렌즈를개발중이라고말했다.

3 layer sensor tech:
At present Sony does not plan to use 3 layer sensor tech in new models of cameras.
소니는 새로운바디에 3 layer센서를당장사용할플랜이없다고말했다.

음..A9바디는 큰펌업은없을듯하고 A9막투에서엄청좋아질거같네요..소니마빡중형바디는 내부에서프로토타입정도는있을듯하고..400mm fe렌즈가먼저나올려나요..A마운트는..아..아님미다..

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