Wow, 9 months… that is amazing! Thanks for contacting us.
Okay, so do not open it. Cross out your ship to address and circle the return address, adding USA. Then be sure to add a note on the front of the package “Refused – DUP order”.
You may then place the package in your regular mail box for the mailman to pick up at no cost. You could also just bring the package to your local post office if you want.
Thanks again!
Best Regards,
그쪽에서도 9개월의 배송기간에 놀라네요 ㅎㅎ
이제 우체국에 반송으로 보내면 해결되지 싶네요^^
다시 한번 앨런킴님께 감사를....^^
아이디 : allankims***
닉네임 : Allan Kim
포인트 : 91804 점
레 벨 : 최우수회원(레벨 : 6)
가입일 : 2015-05-11 00:44
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