

x100f 리뷰가 dpreiew에 올라왔네요

오메메 | 03-17 02:30 | 조회수 : 1,787

결과적으로 전체점수 83%로 Gold award네요.


그런데 이런 내용이 있네요. 하나는 x100f 사진이 soft하다.
"The X100F shot is significantly softer than that of the APS-C Nikon whose sensor we're comparing it with but, then again, it's also softer than Fujifilm's own X-T2, so we suspect this has as much to do with lens characteristics as the sensor or any noise reduction (the effect seems more pronounced on the left of the scene, reinforcing .
x100f 센서는 좋다.
"By now, we suspect you'll have a fixed opinion on the value of Fujifilm's X-Trans filter pattern. The need for it seems reduced, now Bayer sensors are hitting pixels counts that let them do away with their anti-aliasing filters, but the results (even from the exaggeratedly derided Adobe Camera Raw), are good enough that we don't feel it's a big issue. Either way, the sensor in the X100F is extremely good, giving plenty of dynamic range and very good noise performance."

★ 오메메님의 팝코 앨범 ★

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