I received some information that the Nikon D810 camera will no longer be in production in 2017.
Given previous release patterns, Nikon tend to announce cheaper cameras first (D610/D750) and then follow up with a higher-end, more expensive model (D810).
The Nikon D810 body is currently $200 off. I expect another price drop in February/March.
There still no changes to the what to expect list I did back in December.
Posted in Nikon D850
후속기종때문에 단종되는 것 같습니다.
200불의 할인이 있다고 하는데, 2월이나 3월쯤에 떨어질 것으로 예상한다네요.
아이디 : ysang0414***
닉네임 : 독야청청
포인트 : 839918 점
레 벨 : 골드회원(레벨 : 5)
가입일 : 2012-10-23 02:30
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