

25.4 펌웨어 업데이트 - 컨트라스트 AF 지원

별자리물고기 | 03-12 18:17 | 조회수 : 1,448

펌웨어 업데이트 링크: http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/download/X025/index.html

Panasonic Firmware Brings Contrast Auto Focus to LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) Lens, Helping Consumers Take Higher-Quality Portraits

컨트라스트 AF를 지원하는 렌즈가 하나 더 늘어났습니다. 바로 25.4 입니다!!

Panasonic today announced a new firmware update available for its interchangeable LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) lens, which is compatible with the Four Thirds standard digital single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras, including Panasonic's LUMIX DMC-L10*. With the firmware update, the LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) adds contrast auto focus (AF) to the single focal length lens, making it more suitable for taking snapshots and portraits where the photo subject is able to stand out due to an intentional out-of-focus background.

Panasonic invites all users of LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) lenses to download the updated firmware to enjoy this advanced technology that lets users take high-quality photos with ease and accuracy.  Notably, with the use of the Panasonic LUMIX DMC-L10 digital SLR, this update allows the LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) lens to take professional-quality portraits as it combines Panasonic's Face Detection feature with the contrast AF.

당연히 컨트라스트 AF 뿐만 아니라 얼굴 인식 AF도 가능하다고 합니다.

Users will be able to download the latest firmware that allows the LEICA D SUMMILUX 25mm/ F1.4 ASPH.(L-X025) lens to take advantage of contrast AF at 4:00 GMT on March 12, 2008 at the following link: http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/.

*Firmware update on the DMC-L10 is necessary to activate the update of the lens.

근데 마지막 멘트가 이상하군요.

렌즈 업데이트를 하려면 L10가 반드시 필요하다는 뜻인지,
업데이트 된 "효과"를 보려면 L10이 있어야 된다는 것인지가 애매하네요...

activate라는 표현으로 봐서는 후자일 듯 합니다만...


다른 글을 보니 의미가 정확해지는군요.

Note that the firmware of of the DMC-L10 should also be upgraded to the new firmware version 1.2.

렌즈 펌웨어 업데이트에 앞서 L10의 펌웨어부터 버전 1.2로 업데이트 되어야만 된다고 합니다.
(어제만 해도 1.1이 최신이었습니다.)

★ 별자리물고기님의 팝코 앨범 ★

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