원문: www.sonyalpharumors.com/inf...
Info on the Sony cameras trio: Sony A7III, A7sIII and A5300
The big CP+ show will start on March 1. And there are three Sony cameras due for an update:
Sony A5100.
Sony discontinued the A5000 and this might be a good sign the new A5300 could be announced soon. Or will Sony’s futur APS-C line just be made of A6xxx cameras?
Sony A7II.
The A7III is definitely coming in 2018. But we can’t be sure yet if it’s coming at Cp+ already. It will have 24MP, nearly same A9 autofocus system and use the new Sony battery
Sony A7sII.
The Sony A7sIII will not be announced at CP+. Expect it to see it coming at the NAB show in April.
Fact: Sony registered a new camera code in late 2017. This means at least one camera will be announced soon!
우리는 3 월 1 일에 큰cp+쇼를볼수있는것일까? 소니A5000바디가단종되었으므로 A5300바디가발표될지도모른다. 아니면 크롭바디라인은 A6xxx바디로가는것일까? A7III바디는확실히오고있으며 cp+쇼에서발표될지는확신할수없다. A7sIII바디는 cp+쇼에서발표되지않을것이며 4 월에있을 NAB쇼에서발표될것으로예상되고있다. 그리고 새로운바디코드가작년에등록되었는데 그것은적어도 1 개의 바디가곧발표될것이라는것을의미하는것일것이다.
아이디 : kbus00***
닉네임 : ㉿버스
포인트 : 163111 점
레 벨 : 최우수회원(레벨 : 6)
가입일 : 2015-05-11 10:27
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