

Meike가 3 개의크롭렌즈를발표했다: 50mm f/1.7, 25mm f/2.0 and a new 25mm t/2.2 lens

신라면매운맛 | 02-06 00:53 | 조회수 : 741

원문: www.sonyalpharumors.com/mei...

Meike announces three new APS-C E-mount lenses: 50mm f/1.7, 25mm f/2.0 and a new 25mm t/2.2 lens

Meike announced three new APS-C E-mount lenses:


Meike가 3 개의크롭렌즈를발표했으며 3 월에출하될예정이다.

50mm f/1.7
25mm f/2.0
25mm t/2.2 CINE

ePhotozine has some more info about the construction of the 50mm f/.17 lens:

The lens is comprised of 12 diaphragm blades and has a 0.11x magnification ratio. The lens is set to be available in mid-March.

The lens is yet not available for preorder. But you will soon find it like any other Meike lens on Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon DE.

Thanks Mistral!

★ 신라면매운맛님의 팝코 앨범 ★

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