


신라면매운맛 | 02-25 23:09 | 조회수 : 1,039


(SR5) Sony 135mm f/1.8 GM and a new flash will be announced tomorrow (Feb 26)

음..26 일에 sel135f18gm렌즈와새로운플래쉬가발표될것이라고하네요..

I have now learned that Sony will announce two new products on February 26:

– Sony 135mm f/1.8 GM (sel135f18gm)
– New Flash

No new camera and no other new E-mount lens will be announced.

I am not sure about the exact announcement hour but usually Sony does announce new products at around 3-4pm London time…

And I also don’t know yet if Sony will give us some more info about their Lens roadmap…I certainly hope they will.

★ 신라면매운맛님의 팝코 앨범 ★

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