

소니는 A마운트용렌즈의 설문조사를실시하고있다고한다

신라면매운맛 | 12-20 00:04 | 조회수 : 669

원문: www.sonyalpharumors.com/son...

Sony is conducting surveys to provide input on fast A-mount primes lens development

In Japan Sony is conducting surveys (see image above) to provide input in a-mount lens development (A-mount and not E-mount!). Note that when Sony writes “121-300” they don’t mean a zoom but a prime lens within that focal length range! This means when they ask you if you want a “121-300 F2.0” lens they mean a f/2.0 lens within that range.

So let’s help Sony and give our SAR community shot on this. I copied their focal length suggestions…

Select the three A-mount lenses Sony should absolutely make:


소니는 일본에서 A마운트용렌즈의 설문조사를실시하고있다고한다. 소니가반드시 만들어야한다고생각하는 3 개의 A마운트용렌즈를 투표해달라.


    14mm f/2.8
    14mm f/4
    21-35mm f/1.4
    21-35mm f/1.8
    21-35mm f/2.0
    36-69mm f/1.4
    36-69mm f/1.8
    36-69mm f/2.0
    70-120mm f/1.4
    70-120mm f/1.8
    70-120mm f/2.0
    121-300mm f/2.0
    121-300mm f/2.8
    121-300mm f/4.0
    200mm f/2.8
    200mm f/4.0
    400mm f/2.8
    400mm f/4.0
    600mm f/2.8
    600mm f/4.0

★ 신라면매운맛님의 팝코 앨범 ★

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