Allan Kim[21Century] 그럴리가요... 좋은 판매자를 만난 거겠지요...
그런데 Grip 너무 좋아보이네요.
필요 없으시겠지만, 예상 감사인사도 영작드립니다.
Hello XXX
Thank you for taking the time to review my issue and took care of it promptly.
This time, it reached me safe and sound.
Also I appreciate your taking care of the cost, I am not sure what happened with the first delivery but both addresses are commonly used in Korea, so chances are the carrier might be the culprit.
Thank you again and I will use your service again in the future.
아이디 : m-rios***
닉네임 : 산복도로사진쟁이
포인트 : 610081 점
레 벨 : 골드회원(레벨 : 5)
가입일 : 2015-05-11 11:25
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